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Who we are?

A cultural association concerned with engaging and caring for young people artistically and educationally, and contributes to the support and development of cultural and youth tourism through organizing Aouessou Carnival and publicizing it nationally and abroad during July month each year in Sousse. The association aims as well at providing an opportunity for creators and artists to be innovative, arranging supporting and formative meetings for youth in carnival arts and creating carnival wagons. It also contributes in revitalizing the cultural life in the city and highlighting the regional and national gains in youth, cultural and tourism fields and seeks to preserve folk cultural heritage and to revive the customs and traditions emanated from this heritage.

Objectives of the association

  1. Organization of the international Carnival of Aoussou during the month of July each year in Sousse.
  2.  • Contribution to the support and development of cultural and youth tourism.
  3.  • Contribution to the revitalization of the cultural life in the city, the preservation of folk cultural heritage and to the revival of the customs and traditions emanated from this heritage.
  4.  • Supporting, engaging and caring for young people artistically and educationally.
  5.  • Highlight the regional and national gains in youth, cultural and tourism fields.
  6. • Work on publicizing Aouessou carnival inside the country and abroad.
  7.  • Linkage with cooperation with similar carnivals nationally and internationally.
  8.  • Create carnival wagons
  9.  • Give an opportunity for creators and artists to innovate in the field of carnival arts.
  10.  • Organization of supporting and formative meetings for young people in carnival arts